Centenary Celebrations

Middleton Guardian 2018 Middleton Tennis Club are set to celebrate their 100 year anniversary in May 2019 “The club is hoping to attract new members across all groups – ladies, young adults, beginners, over 50s, over 60s, children and so on. We can offer run the junior Summer Tennis camps for the last 10 years.” […]

Everyone’s for tennis at Middleton

Manchester Evening News 2011 Middleton Tennis Club have been providing affordable tennis coaching for the local youngsters in partnership Link4Life’s Neighbourhood and Communities team. This year the tennis club delivered a programme of skills and competitions, funded through the Middleton Township. The events took place over two weeks during the school holidays for 4-14 year […]

Stop these ‘idiots’

Manchester Evening News 2005 EQUIPMENT and facilities at one of Middleton’s oldest sporting institutions have been severely damaged by vandals. Club chairman Eamonn Ward said recent events have made it virtually impossible to play on the courts at the town’s tennis club, on Towncroft Avenue unless an official is there. Mr Ward said the club’s […]